drugačiji od standardnih, jer ga provodim bez gotovine, samo uz PayPass stiker
nalepljen na poleđini mog mobilnog telefona. I gle, funkcioniše odlično. Čak se
i pita od maline u Roggenart-u platila malim potezom zgloba pred čitačem.
Ljubazna gospođa za pultom smešila se dok smo gledali to malo čudo tehnike kako
radi svoj posao iplaća moj ceđeni grejpfrut. ''Da sam juče umrla, ovo ne bih
doživela'', kaže dok nestaje iza vitrina sa svežim kroasanima. A ja produžavam
do svog omiljenog mesta u jednom od najprijatnijih prostora za pojesti nešto i
popiti kafu u Beogradu, Roggenart
u ulici Vojvode Stepe. Sledeće na listi je podizanje karata za pozorište i
odlazak na kozmetički tretman. Težak život blogerski. Ostatak to-do liste i ne
želim da gledam jer je daleko manje glamurozan no ovaj koji vama trenutno
prenosim putem fotografija. Moj PayPass stiker funkcioniše odlično u svim
situacijama, i ne izdaje me. Razmišljam o napretku tehnike dok se probijam kroz
voždovačku gužvu. Pitam se čime ćemo sutra da plaćamo, ako smo danas došli do
platnog stikera koji držim u ruci. I shvatam, budućnost je tu. Već je živimo.
Do idućeg posta, uživajte u poslednjim danima 2012-te. Vaša B.
Friday, different from the standard ones, because I was spending it cash-free, just using my PayPass sticker attached to the back of my phone. And behold, it worked great. Even the raspberry pie in Roggenart was paid with a small wrist move in front of the PayPass reader. A nice lady behind the counter smiled at me as we watched the little technological miracle doing its job. ''I never thought I would live to see this'', she said, while disappearing behind a glass case with fresh croissants. The next thing on the list was picking up my tickets for theatre, and going to a cosmetic treatment. The hard life of a fashion blogging. During the whole day, my PayPass sticker worked great in all situations. I was thinking about technological advancements while I was making my way through crowded Belgrade. I wonder what means of payment we'll be using tomorrow, bearing in mind that we already have the payment sticker. That moment I realised that the future is here. We are already living it.
Until the next post, enjoy the last days of the 2012. Yours B.
Do idućeg posta, uživajte u poslednjim danima 2012-te. Vaša B.
Friday, different from the standard ones, because I was spending it cash-free, just using my PayPass sticker attached to the back of my phone. And behold, it worked great. Even the raspberry pie in Roggenart was paid with a small wrist move in front of the PayPass reader. A nice lady behind the counter smiled at me as we watched the little technological miracle doing its job. ''I never thought I would live to see this'', she said, while disappearing behind a glass case with fresh croissants. The next thing on the list was picking up my tickets for theatre, and going to a cosmetic treatment. The hard life of a fashion blogging. During the whole day, my PayPass sticker worked great in all situations. I was thinking about technological advancements while I was making my way through crowded Belgrade. I wonder what means of payment we'll be using tomorrow, bearing in mind that we already have the payment sticker. That moment I realised that the future is here. We are already living it.
Until the next post, enjoy the last days of the 2012. Yours B.
...ogromno hvala mojoj Tanji na sjajnom društvu i sjajnim fotogorafijama! :*
wearing: sweater: MASSIMO DUTTI; jeans; GUESS;
boots: STRADIVARIUS; necklace: P.S. Fashion;
Kako si lijepa!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSvidja mi se dzemperak i ogrlica!
great outfit and pics:)
ReplyDeletePatchwork à Porter
Divan dzempercic
ReplyDeletePozz Maria
divne su fotke
ReplyDeleteyou look lovely indeed! great hair and shoes
Inside and Outside Blog
Prekrasna si, i mnogo mi se dopadaju tvoje cizme, xoxo
prelijepo :)
Love the necklace!
divna kombinacija, ogrlica je super :D
ReplyDeleteDa li mozes da mi kazes koji je razlog za brisanje mog komentara koji sam ostavila na jucerasnjem postu a samo sam pitala da li te Intesa placa za reklamu PP? Ne znam sta je pogresno u mom pitanju kad je vise nego ocigledno da ih reklamiras. Ja sam radila platne kartice Intese za diplomski pa ih nisam spominjala u dipl.radu kao ti na blogu. Hvala
ReplyDelete:D Izvini moram se nasmejati, jer tvoj komentar uredno stoji među svim ostalim komentarima na jučerašnji post. Inače, banka za koju me pitaš me ne plaća, jer je nigde i ne reklamiram (ni u jednoom jedinom postu nije spomenuta niti jedna banka!). Čitač na slici jeste njihov, ali to nema veze sa PayPassom. Sasvim druga banka mi je izdala PayPass. Takođe me ni ta banka ne plaća. Nadam se da ti je sada lakše... :)
DeleteVeliki pozdrav! Brana
super fotogtrafije :) Prva je definitivno moj favorit :)
ReplyDeleteStalno prolazim pored Roggenart-a i nikako da svratim
ReplyDeleteMnogo je lep ovaj ruz, koji je to?
U pitanju je Mosaic Mauve (tamnija nijansa) iz ovog posta:
DeleteSrdačan pozdrav! :)
Brano, opet si savrsena :)
ReplyDeleteTj uvek si savrsena :)
Obozavam tvoje fotke i postove
M :*
Znam da se ponavljam ,ali imas savrsen stil i sve sto obuces super nosis :))
Prelijepa ogrilica!
lepa kombinacija, volim dzempere sa takvim ogrlicama! Zasto ne pustis kosu? cini mi se da je naporno odrzavati ovaj friz :)
ReplyDeletePredivna si mi u vojo jednostavnoj, a tako efektnoj kombinaciji! :) <3 Love it!
ReplyDeleteOdlična stvar! Skoro kao i tvoja ogrlica :))
ReplyDeleteobozavam pocijepane farmerke i lance! odlicno to nosiš!
ReplyDeletenajlepsa, B!<3
ReplyDeletenajlepsa, B!<3
ReplyDeleteB <3
ReplyDeletei tvoji outfiti i tekstovi iznad istih ne odusevljavaju :)
samo me zanima... jesi li ti filolog, pisac ili nesto :D? imas veoma bogat recnik, sto nema svako :)
samo nastavi :*
Hvala najlepše na divnim rečima! :)
DeleteJa sam novinar po obrazovanju. Završila sam Fakultet političkih nauka :)
Veeeeliki pozdrav!!! :)
Predivna si....
ReplyDeleteWow you are so beautiful and chic! You actually remind me of a younger version of the singer Enya! =)
Gde ces na docek nove godine?Molim te odgovori unapred hvala :*
ReplyDeleteBiću u Istanbulu :) Srdačan pozdrav! :)
DeleteJednostavno sam oduševljena fotografijama :D
ReplyDeleteDivna si mi ;) :*
Obozavam cizme i ogrlicu! Perfection!
ReplyDeleteHej, cao! Super je outfit, odlican!
ReplyDeleteZanima me da li su cizme iz nove kolekcije?